Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

I cannot even believe that it's 2010....where has the year gone?!
I guess I will catch you up on the happenings from 2009 and hopefully keep you updated from here on out.

Alex and I met December 2008 and I have been head over heels in love with him ever since. He has lovingly welcomed not only me but Kaylee and Caiden into his life with open arms. He is such an amazing man and I look forward to EVERY day spent with him. Alex and I found out in July that we were expecting.....It was quite a SHOCK, but we are very thrilled and excited to welcome Logan Albert into our family come March.
We are also moving down to St. Petersburg within the next couple of weeks. Alex's work is down that way and I need a change of scenery. 23 years in Spring Hill is enough for me!
Let me fill you in on the kiddos now....

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Kaylee was 6 in February and is my little princess. She is my artist and is so smart. She is in the first grade and is on the Principal's list. She is quite a challenge tho....she always has to be doing something (reading, coloring, drawing, etc) or she will drive us crazy!!
Kaylee is still not quite sure what to think about having another brother around the house. She was hoping very strongly for a little sister. I think once Logan comes along she will feel differently.
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Caiden was 4 in October and is most definitely a mommy's boy!! He is a very loving little boy. He likes to hug, kiss and cuddle and I enjoy that so very much and pray that he stays this way. He is very content and will sit and play by himself for hours. He has become very much into "Thomas the Train" this past year. He will tell you everything you want/need to know.
He just started preschool this past September and is doing very well.
Caiden is VERY excited about the new baby and ask me everyday when my baby is going to come out! He is going to be such a big help.
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